A list of resources regarding native plants and landscapes, and groups protecting them in Michigan and the region.
Plants & Natural Communities Identification
- Michigan Flora University of Michigan Herbarium: The definitive online destination for information on the distribution of plants in Michigan.
- University of Wisconsin Herbarium: Images and habitat info for the vascular plants of Wisconsin.
- USDA Plants Database: An excellent source of information about the plants of U.S. and Canada, including photos.
- Michigan Natural Features Inventory: Michigans Natural Heritage Program, responsible for research on threatened and endangered plant and animal species and natural communities.
- Flora of North America: Online home of ongoing FNA project, with keys to plants of North America north of Mexico.
Endangered Species
- Rare Species Explorer: MNFIs statewide search engine for rarea and endangered plants, animals, and natural communities.
Invasive Species
- Field ID Guide to Invasive Plants: Over 100 pages of information oninvasive species found in Michigan’s natural communities, published by MNFI & MSU Extension.
- Xerces Society: Insect Conservation. Information on endangered species and pollinators
- Forest Service Fire Effects Information System: Information on the effects of fire onindividual plant species.
- Tallgrass Prairie & Oak Savanna Fire Science Consortium: Fire science and knowledge exchange for the midwestern US; a network for consolidating information, and sharing knowledge and ideas.
- Michigan Prescribed Fire Council: Promotes the safe use of prescribed fire on the Michigan landscape.
Journal Publications
- Ecological Restoration Journal: Published by the University of Wisconsin Arboretum.
- Society for Ecological Restoration: International group of restoration professionals; publishes the journal Restoration Ecology.
- Natural Areas Association: Advancing natural areas preservation; publishes Natural Areas Journal.
Non-Profit Organizations
- Wildflower Association of Michigan: Committed to the stewardship of native wildflowers and their habitats, they organize an annual conference in March.
- North Amercian Prairie Conference: A bi-annual conference about all things prairie!
- The Stewardship Network: An energetic group creating linkages in Michigans restoration community and beyond with regional clusters throughout the country.
- Wild Ones: The original native landscaping advocate with chapters throughout the midwest and beyond.
- Native Plant Guild: A group of Michigan businesses and organizations offering a range of ecological landscaping services.
Land Conservancies & Nature Centers
- Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy: Conserving and managing land throughout Southwest Michigan.
- Kalamazoo Nature Center: One of the first nature centers in the country and a leader in environmental education.
- Sarett Nature Center: Providing natural science education to people of all ages in the Berrien County area.
- The Nature Conservancy: Saving (and restoring) the last great places on Earth, many of which are in your backyard.