Standard Seed Mixes

We offer fifteen thoughtfully designed standard seed mixes designed to either mimic Michigan’s natural plant communities, provide enhanced pollinator resources, or be used as a workhorse mix in construction or mitigation projects. If you don’t see what you need or want below, please contact us for a custom design.

**This year continues to see high demand for many native grass and wildflower species, due in part to Farm Bill incentives and conservation programs, growth in the restoration and native landscaping industries, and a general shift in cultural awareness on the importance of native habitat. With this increased demand and resulting shortages, substitutions may be necessary for some species.**

Native Seed Mixes 1 acre 1/2 acre 1/4 acre 1000 sqft
Basic Shortgrass Prairie Seed Mix $625 $412 $337 $62.50
Dry Shortgrass Prairie Seed Mix $1,155 $693 $556 $101
Basic Tallgrass Prairie Seed Mix $600 $408 $330 $60
Economy Prairie Seed Mix $475 $305 $225 $50
Mesic Tallgrass Prairie Seed Mix $1,130 $689 $553 $101
Wet-Mesic Prairie Seed Mix $1,122 $684 $550 $100
Wet Sedge Meadow Seed Mix $1,459 $949 $771 $140
Emergent Wetland Seed Mix $1,365 $946 $743 $135
Mesic Woodland Seed Mix $1,780 $1,085 $783 $143
CRP Pollinator Prairie Seed Mix $415 $249 $183 $32.50
Dry-Mesic Pollinator Seed Mix $1,105 $663 $463 $85
Slope Stabilization Seed Mix $400 $265 $199 $35
BioSwale / Raingarden Seed Mix $945 $567 $454 $83
Stormwater Basin Seed Mix $925 $555 $453 $82
Forested Wetland Establishment Seed Mix $1,100 $660 $539 $98
Solar Shortgrass Pollinator Seed Mix $675 $415 $335 $61

Updated: December 2024

Non-Native Seed Mix <50 Lb 50-200 Lb 200+ Lb
Fescue Lawn Low
Maintenance Mix
$7/Lb $6/Lb $5/Lb
field with native michigan plants
Tall Grass Prairie


Ready to Order?

Give us a call at 269.459.6900 or click below to get started:



Liatris spicata bloom